Saturday, May 1, 2010

KontrolFreek's FPS Freek Review

When I first saw the FPS Freek I kind of laughed at the idea. I don't know how many of these types of things I have seen throughout my gaming days. Devices that promise to make you better than you were before. Better, stronger, faster. And for the most part, I ignore them and pity the people who put down potentially hundreds of dollars on what I consider the snake oil of the gaming world.

My dad recently bought an Xbox 360, and the first game he decided to play was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. He really enjoyed the game but had one problem, he just couldn't aim as quickly as he needed to be able to play online.

That's when I had my "Ah ha!" moment. I had seen the FPS Freek and remember them claiming that they would help just that. And yet I was still dubious of their claims, as was my dad... he didn't really want to put down the $10 plus $5 shipping and handling. And I understood why, at the time there were nine reviews on their site and only three on Amazon. They were all positive, but still that was only twelve people.

Yet for some reason I was intrigued. Nine reviews that were all positive seemed kind of rare for a product like this. So I decided to take a leap of faith and actually purchase a pair. I found them on Amazon for $10 plus $2 shipping, $12 didn't seem all that bad and if they didn't work I guess I was only out $12.

They came a couple days later and I decided to give them a try. I popped in Modern Warfare 2 and was ready to kick some ass... but I didn't really notice much of a difference. Perhaps a little, but not this huge boost that I had been expecting. Still, I decided to keep them on my controller and continue using them.

I played a little bit of Modern Warfare 2, followed by Mass Effect. And after a few days I really did start noticing a difference, sure it wasn't a huge difference but it was a difference nonetheless.

Aiming seemed to be a bit smoother, a bit easier, a bit faster, and honestly the controller just felt a bit more normal. The control sticks being raised made the controller feel normal in my hands. Once I had got used to the FPS Freek's they really did start to help.

I told my dad about this and he decided to purchase a pair as well, and after using them for a few days he agreed. He also started noticing that his kill to death ratio was going up.

This is all just my opinion, I have no hard scientific facts to back up my claims and for all I know it's completely in my head. To me though, there is no doubt that they work. Every time I pick up a controller that doesn't have them the controller just feels foreign to me.

The bottom line is, they cost about $14. That's really not all that much, and I'm guessing you will see a difference in your gaming. Right now there's 294 positive reviews on the KontrolFreek site and it has 4 1/2 stars on Amazon with 76 reviews. That's pretty damn good. It's not just me who thinks that these are a good product.

Does that mean that I've changed my cynical ways when it comes to these kind of peripheral devices? Not really. I still think that for most part a lot of these devices don't work and merely pray on people who will buy anything that even offers a hope of working. I do however think that in the future I won't be as quick to decide that these products don't work at all.

Buy the FPS Freek from KontrolFreek here.


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